is our gateway to the interior.
When I enrolled at university I told myself that I would probably leave for an Erasmus in my courses or master license but I did not know where. First I wanted to go to learn English and to find another country. I wish to go to England, to London to learn English better and to discover what countries across the Channel. But arriving in the final year undergraduate I knew I did not have the level to pass the language exam that everyone must pass before he can leave by Erasmus in English speaking countries (TOEFL). So one day, early in my e 3 year degree I had already made the idea that I could not go there ... I had talked to a girlfriend (Sophie) who had said that c She was a good idea to go to the "adventure" in another country. And she told me that his wish was to leave if she was to go as far as possible. (USA, canada.) So we still went to the Erasmus responsible for information on these destinations, but she replied that it is not easy to be taken because these are national teams, unlike European countries where are responsible Erasmus university who decide. She asked me if I also wanted to make a record and I said that my first wish was to go to England to revise the English and have different courses on artistic practice. She immediately advised to go to Greece, (they speak English and the courses are in English) and gave me the website of the School of Fine Art in Athens because it is with this school that the university where I am registered as a partner. (Namely the University of Paris 8).
I went to this site (in Greek and English) where he was labeled "sculpture" being naked "marble" scenography "etc.. ! There were schedules of the school located on the islands where students can go to work for their project of artistic practice, and where they stay for free.
I immediately Enchanted practice English, learn a new language (Greek), another country, other customs, and also allow me to enhance my artistic practice.
My friend on his side had also visited the school site, and a few days later we decided to complete an application file (the request must be made as soon as possible, around November, December it I think, in all cases, we must learn from the early-October, so I can leave the year after, even if it's a start for the second half). The head Erasmus we were told when we went to see her, it was on that would be made because few people seek to leave for Greece
The day we were to make the file (last time) and the papers enclosed, Sophie has not given because she was afraid to go into the unknown. I told him it was a chance for us who are studying at university because we have more mobility grants and the school was great, it was
Now everything was counted. We had to educate ourselves about courses proposed by the university and fill out paperwork. Around the month of June we had a meeting with Erasmus all who participated, to all destinations and all courses.
Before leaving you must:
- First re-enroll at the university of origin (for me so it was Paris 8) and then if we stock at Crous, do usual case, and for those who go on Erasmus, give the file mobility grant (around April I think, as the scholarship application at Crous).
- In addition, we must learn with our insurance so we are well covered abroad, very important (liability) but also to our mutual.
- Finally, ask the European health insurance card, it is compulsory (ask for social security: SMEREP or LMDE).
It is, of course, better to learn about all this well before the start (about 5 months before) to be well prepared because then come the other preparations, especially that 'there are partial in June (hopefully).
There is something important that we do not always think, and is not necessarily required by the university, which is preparing for the language. It is helpful to take courses at the university, or be prepared alone or host university Erasmus himself sometimes offers intensive courses before departure, inform you with the responsibility of your Erasmus University .
We had to seek accommodation in Athens because the school could not accommodate us. We therefore decided to look there and just before the Internet (for more safety, you should always visit the premises before concluding anything) and rent for 6 days a hostel in the center of Athens: Youth Hostel Victor Hugo Street, near Omonia Square. This hostel is very well located (near Omonia with thieves, according to my sources, remains to be seen ... from the backpacker's guide, many hotels in this area are not used as a hotel but " to other things "and it is in these hotels that housed thousands of immigrants ...). So the rooms are clean, there are sheets and a pillow for each bed, free internet down only if you have your own laptop, and a small bathroom in each room. For each person there is a chest (wooden), but do not forget to bring a padlock! Attention, some luggage, extra large, do not fit or is difficult to get into the locker. These traps do not seem very safe anyway. You can leave your laptop at the bottom (in a closet supposedly under supervision of the eyes of the person receiving) but I'd advise against it ... In short, stay the least time possible in this hostel!
The next day (that is to say on Tuesday, since we arrived on Monday afternoon) we were greeted by one of our knowledge, which helped us to buy a smart phone, Greek, and that a recharge card. Like that we had at least one phone number Greek. After getting a little rest and after visiting a few streets, we went to the office (Office) School of Fine Arts to tell them that we came and to see if there were not some housing ads posters on the walls ... and there I met Doris, a daughter very nice who works at the secretariat (I had his mobile number because one of my friend who had done this Erasmus School a year ago and I met through the preparation of Erasmus, told me about it ) guided us to start and we took responsible see Erasmus School. He therefore said that we are currently looking for a home. She therefore proposed to us directly housed in a shelter for the university and tell us it was because the new partnership with the owner of the building as of April 2007! We were at first delighted, but when she told us that he had to pay € 100 per month, there we were overjoyed and relieved! Finally she told us to fill out a paper registration for housing, says to pay 100 € as guarantee and now gives us the keys. Within 24 hours we had found a home!
Henceforth, we went to the inn, saying "huai! Yes! Awesome! Etc.. "And we take our bags and hop! bye bye hostel! We take a taxi directly to the end of the street, and there we arrived near our street. We advanced degrees in our street and there it is here we are! The street is not great, but it is 50 times better than the hostel! The building, Exterior: clean! Input: new! The whole building is new, but still works (the room is not finished cafeteria is closed and a key). The apartment: new! Frigo, nine, sheets, mattresses, furniture, kitchens, bathrooms ... everything is new.
It's over for today, you wonder ...
next day: we say that we should go shopping: cutlery, plates etc.., no, but it's nothing. And also, we must search for food (koh lanta is a bit early because we did not know where were the stores where they "sell everything" except crossroads but it was far away and expensive) ...
I will tell you more in a forthcoming article