- So my coconut, what do you want?
- Ben Msieur I zieuter there on the trays of Leffe and Duvel from a bit of time and I m'disais that I'd rather have one or two ...
- In my little pile father. You got cash?
- That's right the problem is that I save to travel to Syria and even pTet Lebanon and Turkey. A dealer how much you sir these bonds bins?
- Hey coco, that things be clear: I am not negotiate the pints. 270 pounds is the tray. You want or not?
- Oh how I want it no doubt. Affirmative sir. J'vous take all of these beautiful cajos if only I had some tickets in his pocket ... The problem is that I can sire probably allow me to take one, after all I have some savings and then my wife is overseas and I eat potatoes and pasta until the end of the month it does not bother me, but look at the problem is that I could not choose between a décement bin Leffe and Duvel tray. I like steamed Duvel but if I drink while two or three days would pTet best I Leffe and then take the guy who lives with me I will certainly pass on a few pennies if I refile in a few Brews and he is sure he prefers Leffe, then I would say a good tank but Leffe Brown the boy prefers the blonde. It's a good fellow, are not legit ... more
- shortens Hey buddy! Choose a container and rid the floor. Not gonna spend my day listening to your salads!
- Ooohla sir, put yourself in trim. I'll take one of the tray. I just need m'décide. Unless your Excellency permit me to Moitiers Moitiers ...
- You're a funny zoiseau you eh. Listen to what I'll propose is to make Moitiers Moitiers, you take a tray of Leffe Blonde or brunette I wax boots, and you'll catch a ferry from Duvel and you will extend 540 pounds or whatever you're going to take c This is my 45 in the back! Got it?
- My word you are Sir hard case. Worse than Egyptian.
- If you thought you got bugger me as a metic all wrong man. This way the money!
- You would not just kike? Well, how do we do? A tray of Duvel and you put me in a few Leffe rab for the maggot who shares my room?
- It's a mandala in the screen that you will take rab.
- I'm actually dealing with the greatest of kike!
- Primo amigo, it does not matter overall, I liquidate these bins and if it was not you who is not a problem buying one-half of Cairo is ready to get rid of. Deuxio, kike Call me and we still pick up the pieces of your jaw onto the opposite pavement!
- Relaxed Jesus, I'm gonna do is call my roommate to see if he can extend the gravel for the tank and I Leffe you take the tray of Duvel. It's still me who made the trip to Egypt this rascal has to do is to Duvel.
- Ok great but if I can afford the kid there, the Egyptian, he is right Leffe is best.
- Hey I did not ring the bells! ..
- bastard, shit goes, crazy me out of here asshole ...
- Ok ok, sorry buddy. These are the tickets, I take the two containers and I spin.
- You'd better.
- the hair. Those with even a pound of pourlich.
- Keep your pound kid. Thee will need ... Tramp!
- Ouch indeed send Captain. Thank you for the bins. Diplomacy and lively! You are doing a lot of work ... And the combined deal of beer is great art, we see that you've done science po! You would also not cigarettes as "that business"?
- That's right yeah. Anyway this is the latest once you are walking slap-tone shit here! Our famous embassy
really decided to make himself useful for once. It deale trays of beer! Do not ask me how and why ... State secret. In any case my order is ready.
You're telling me that I talk a lot of embassy. Well maybe the nostalgia of good old country and the approach of my return to land of the nativity molds that make me think of my formal relay with Belgium here in Cairo. And I must admit that at the dawn of the new year is well played by them to offer us trays.
Long live the king!