Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Nipple Piercing What Does It Mean
- say Two thousand! Both say two miles! Fucking say it too loudly saying! It is two miles chtedis say! But yeah say! Two thousand nine was rotten! But two miles chtedis say is insane!
- Ooh my grandfather. The loop you want!
- What? Queskiiiiiiiiiiiya?
- bored with all your world with your 2010.
- But fucking say, but you do not understand. It's Two Thousand DIS!
- But I clearly understood that we were in Two Thousand Ten but it's not why I break the balls to everyone with that! You're stupid or what? It's just another year. It will maybe it even worse than the last.
- But ... but no. How can you say that!? It's gonna be madness chtedis. This is the year of honesty! No more left unsaid ...
- Oh you're not the net my Coco, what have you made New Year? Barbiturates? Mushrooms? LSD? You're stuck inside my little father.
- Maybe my Cardinal of ketamine but I remember I was drunk as a mold of Zeeland.
- Oh the fool. I deal with a champion I understand. Either. And what are you doing in this slap? Can we know?
- Well, I've come to the show of belly dancing. It's too much belly dancing chtedis. It is the dance of the future. It is the dance of two thousand saying.
- The rub my little girls father is that they dance too much, rather they are there to show off their tits, their asses and everything else in pigs as you and me.
- Hey my Cardinal, what are you talking about? They will dance all night ... these beautiful creatures haunting
- poet Hey, believe me, they will come swinging their shells under your nose and show their fat legs and then c That is all. And you will be asked to pay the adition.
- J'te not think old chnoque the belly-dancing " is refined, it is a traditional art of the Middle East.
- poet and art historian, you impress me. And having said that, j'te please do call me old chnoque. My bottle of scotch might finish on the corner of your face.
- Yeah speaking of scotch, you would put me a glass of good scotch you'd be a real prince.
- Fortiche You're my word, we pay a little to start with two beers and then we'll see what we can do for this tape.
- And why I would put a worry to start, serve me a lil scotch, do not Semitic!
- Listen I'm a regular here, you have at least a beer if you do not want the two monkeys from the entry you do fly out with great blows of slippers in the ass.
- Ok ok my Cardinal, you won. Two Stellas, here we go. But you will not make me upside chtedis. You'll let me suck it to bourbon.
- Speak properly you want a little. 'll Worry scotch ... Look, there is a "dancer" is happening. You'll see, it is commonly twist your ass to all customers, and richest, the mafia will sway him wads of
- Shit! Are you serious, it's gross. It's a scam that bullshit chtedis. I do not want to see dancing like whores in a peep show.
- Relax coconut, these places are authentic. The belly-dancing that's something of a tourist. The vicious egyptos are like you and me. Believe a veteran like me, you'll see no other foreigners here. Besides, how your Derche landed in the cabaret ?
- Ben by accident, I was looking for a bar in the corner for a drink and see the belly dancing ...
- Our beers are there. Have a drink ... Well my great what do you do in Cairo exactly?
- not my Cardinal Ooh, you're not telling me my life. I'm no good anyway. So try to understand chtedis. And you, what do you do? Rabin? Imam? Or you're really Cardinal?
- the maggot Very funny! I have a souvenir shop for tourists and then ... Oh shit, I will not jacta on my account if you even want to tell me what qu'tu crazy. At the same time, it's true that I imagine you well to do anything right ...
- A souvenir shop in Cairo?! You swim a lot of cash I guess.
- It is go ...
- Hey former is true that it is not so bad here. The girls are rather plump, but I find them well balanced. We can get them dancing around here?
- You got wads of cash?
- No.
- So no.
- Holly shit! Too bad.
- So, you see. It's nice.
- Yeah. A bit murky but it's true that it seems more authentic. But damn, those gus who drop a buck on the dancers are unbelievable chtedis. They come from where?
- Never mind.
- There's no way to move their cause?
- I am wary of these metics as H1N1. In general, I expect there to be a thoroughly soaked that come pay me a shot because it amuses him to put one to a stranger. But it's like lottery, we not win every time.
- 're a sacred old veteran, eh? You start to make me like my Cardinal.
- It affects me almost ... Junior.
- Daddy?
- Yes it's me. Your father. It is 26 bitches years that I seek you.
- Gone, the Loop! My beer is over. Tomb scotch ...