Thursday, August 13, 2009

Skoal Mouth Irritation


Ah Jean-Jacques ... Why are you doing this? I wanted to do hard rap and you got me mesmerized as if everything was ... Jean-Jacques! And plus you're Jewish. Well, it very well, very good for my "street credibility", what do I do now? " I put myself in the variety Yiddish? Will explain to my friends rappers Arab! .. Fuck you (you) Jean-Jacques! And between us I do not know which of them and I hate the most horrible sound of the clarinet "The man is a woman like any other" Jean-Jacques Zibermann ... But good as Jean-Jacques you're better than him, I '(r) provides. So I thought, you should come here and we would do a song together. And they would tour in Arab countries and even then we invite you credit Sheb Khaled you know well and then we would play in a big club in Tel-Aviv full of slut and coke but not because they affect that is the good guy but only you, me and Khaled would be because the other is for food-stones and the visa can to fuck ass!
Hey Jean-Jacques ... You've rocked my youth and that person can take it away. You're a good man as they say in rap. Sometimes you fear nothing but to fuck the people they're still buying CDs. Perhaps you're just born at the right time, but his tone you owe it to anyone. All these assholes who want to rap to pop, they just not your talent. Most world leaders praised thee as evidenced by this video I'm about to post ...

And for Cairo, I would say the same shit everywhere. That's what I they want people to understand. Tell them (say) even if I'd be surprised. And blah blah blah, the lil continued to claim his own. Shit going. You're useless!. Ghalass will piss and extinguish.


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