Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Make Italian Dry Cured Salami

Obtain National Insurance Number in England (Social Security Number) Job

To work in London and more generally in the United Kingdom it is recommended to first obtain a Social Security Number English. Number is called in the UK the National Insurance Number (NIN). Similarly so that in France a part of your salary is deducted by the English social security fund so you can enjoy in return for coverage of medical expenses, partial or total, the day when you need it. The National Insurance Number can therefore monitor the social contributions paid and you can also not be taxed at the highest rate. And once you leave England you can request a refund of taxes (tax refund) if you paid an overflow of taxes.

So how to get this famous National Insurance Number in order to work in London or England so more generally? It is often a headache, so to answer this question I refer you to a comprehensive article that covers the topic published on the site Generation Expat '. Article presents in detail the steps to get your social security number English, your National Insurance Number. To read this article you can click here: England - National Insurance Number .


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