Wednesday, March 11, 2009

8 Teams Playing Different Combinations

March 19 March 12

Shares of the day:
- 9am to Caisse d'Epargne, Paris street (near the Garden State, then travel to the Rue Jean Chatel BR with meeting with the Vice President of the Federation of Banks: leafleting, explanations and discussions with customers.
- 14h : Same type of operation to the SFR, rue de Nice.

Plenary Meeting of COSPAR: 9.30
Developed by Max Banon, CGTR the South on issues of internal organization and in particular on the issue of coordination between the south and north on decisions taken by COSPAR and of actions.
It is recalled and reaffirmed that there is no COSPAR COSPAR South and North. There is only COSPAR, based in Saint-Denis, which gives instructions after discussion and decision at plenary meetings. This does not include representatives of the various components of South to meet to coordinate and organize various activities and events in the South, in compliance with the guidelines and instructions issued by COSPAR. When, for strategic reasons, it was decided to suspend the COSPAR particular type of action, the regulation applies to the North and West, and South, as in the East. Max
Banon mentions the possibility of setting up an organizing committee and a communications committee of COSPAR. The issue was not decided.

Meeting scheduled at the Prefecture on wages 15h
The issue of negotiation Pay led to lengthy debates. After the reaffirmation by the two communities (CG and CR) on 11 at night not to participate in the increase of € 200 claimed by COSPAR on low wages, low pensions, minimum benefits, student scholarships, trading on the 150 € that proved more difficult: should we focus on wage bargaining and the one on the minimum welfare, pensions, scholarships ...?
respective postures of the Prefect, the MEDEF, the CGPME problems that seemed more ...
It was finally decided that COSPAR would not travel to the meeting of the Prefecture under 15h, without breaking the negotiations.
A letter was drafted and faxed to the Warden to explain the reasons for the decision of COSPAR.

Mr. Reeve,

It does not thirty five years of no social dialogue in 48 hours!
You demand that wage negotiations result in 2 days on the basis of a financial package which the government will make up to 100 euros and the employers of 50 or 150 euros in total instead of the 200 claimed.
We recall that we solemnly pledged to the people of Reunion to obtain 200 euros for not only low wages private and public but also for the recipients of social minima, small pensions and student grants.
We recall that a meeting on three lives of minimum social and it is beyond question that the COSPAR leaves a portion of the population, especially youth, on the roadside. We demand to open negotiations on minimum social benefits. The COSPAR
denounces the attitude of employers who obviously does not make a substantial effort on wages and your game exploits the ambiguous events of March 10 to lobby for an early signing only on wages in the private sector.
What crashes? We ask
200 euros for all low income and not 150!
The 100 euros proposed by the state are valid 36 months, what will happen next?
Medef does not go beyond the paltry 50 euros exempt from charges, CGPME about it remains very unclear. The COSPAR
estimated that there are far too vague in the employers' proposals and not enough security in those of the State to affix his signature on a document, so we request the postponement of negotiations until the employers make a more serious proposal and that the State provides clear answers on the length of the device. In any
event, COSPAR can not be satisfied with the current status of discussions whether income, benefits, minimum income, low pensions, student grants and prices but also intends to strengthen its efforts to obtain satisfaction.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

COSPAR By this letter reaffirms its willingness to give priority to give priority to emergency measures, and about 200 € not confirm an overall agreement and not just a wage agreement. This letter
was faxed late morning, another proposal will meet the Prefect for a meeting on Friday March 13 to 15 h.

Meeting at 14:30 CGTR between unions
This meeting was to:
- the national strike on March 19
- an exchange on the different possible scenarios concerning wage bargaining.

Regarding the strike on March 19, after exchanges between these organizations, the opportunity to relay the national strike in Reunion, and the likely difficulties of raising a third day in the same month (effect losses wages) and during school holidays, it was concluded that due to the current context it was difficult not to relay this movement.

As regards wage bargaining unions have devised several scenarios that could take into account the urgency of the claims without leaving aside the question of minimum social, small pensions, student grants. The issue is complex in that some minimum welfare within the jurisdiction of the state and the competence of other communities, including the General Council. One option could be to push employers towards a multi-year agreement for three years with a spread over that period of his contribution to the effort required, This effort may be adjusted depending on the size of the company. With an increased load on the employer's contribution, it would be possible to identify a part of the State contribution (RTSA) for minimum social and even small pensions. The question remains raised a total clearance of communities in the device. Also what about low salaries of municipal employees, contractors and those of various public functions?

Meeting at the CFDT 16h of the governance component of COSPAR
At this meeting the member associations of COSPAR exchanged their particular problems, including negotiations on price, housing, and of course the minimum social and small pensions.
The negotiations on prices is still in progress and advance slowly. After agreement in principle Prefecture passage of 500 consumer items, it is now time to discuss and agree with the GD, but also with small businesses on the percentages of decline. The principle was that the act Prefecture percentage decrease for a given item would be uniform.
associations wishing to apply to the Prefect re-discussion of the price of the gas cylinder and lower fuel prices. She also wanted resume negotiations on social rents. They want to finally address the claim to promote local employment.

Plenary Meeting of COSPAR to the CFDT 18h
Report of two meetings mentioned above.

The principle at the meeting to relay the strike on March 19 is validated by COSPAR. It remains to determine the type of events or transactions to establish that day.
Regarding negotiations for 200 € COSPAR reaffirm its determination to conclude a comprehensive agreement, even if it is sequenced between wages, minimum social pension ...

Question participation at the second meeting proposed by the Prefect (Friday 13 to 15h) is raised again as information is received between the time that Reeve would impose negotiations on the sole screenplay State 100 € / MEDEF - CGPME € 50.
The discussion on participation in the COSPAR meeting Friday 13 to 15h Prefecture continues tomorrow morning ...

Gatherings Saturday 14 and Sunday, March 15
As a reminder the principle of two events on Saturday 14 to 15h on the forecourt of Human rights in Saint-Denis and Sunday 15 to 15h in Saint-Pierre is validated by COSPAR. At the meeting held tonight at St. Pierre was offered to host the event on the Waterfront of St. Peter, but someone must take responsibility to seek permission for the rally to the Mayor (or Sub-Prefect?). On the other hand there is the issue of sound that is not set (car sound system, podium with soundtrack provided by the municipality?) These issues must be resolved very quickly. It should also be prepared - and this holds true for the North and South alike - information towards the public and media. There is little time!


Friday, March 13 At 9 H 30


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